Category Archives: healthy

Caffeine, Useful or Harmful to Health??

Because every so often to see the drug pain relievers containing caffeine, I was interested to discuss about the benefits of caffeine in relieving pain. Many questions in my mind about the caffeine that I know a lot of diving this negative effect on health but why the drug pain relievers have caffeine levels are quite large. šŸ˜• Ā Okay, we begin to examine and discuss the caffeine! Happy reading!Ā  šŸ˜‰

Caffeine, or more popular caffeine, xanthine alkaloid compound is crystalline and bitter taste that works as a psychoactive stimulant drug and a mild diuretic. Caffeine is found naturally in foodstuffs such as coffee beans, tea leaves, fruits, cola, guarana, and mate. In plants, it acts as a natural pesticide that paralyzes and turn off certain insects that eat the plants. It is typically consumed by humans by taking the extract of coffee beans and tea leaves.

Chemical structure of Caffeine

Caffeine can be removed from the brain quickly, no stimulants such as alcohol or other central nervous system so as not to interfere with higher mental function, and footing the brain. Caffeine consumption in a sustainable manner will cause the body to become tolerant to the presence of caffeine. Therefore, if the internal production of caffeine removed (called “release dependency”), the body becomes less sensitive to adenosine, causing a sudden drop in blood pressure which resulted in headaches and so on other symptoms. Recent research says caffeine can reduce the risk of Parkinson’s disease, but it still requires in-depth review.

Too much caffeine can cause poisoning (intoxication), caffeine (drunk due to caffeine). Between the symptoms of this disease are restlessness, worry, insomnia, volatility, flushing, frequent urination (diuresis), and the problem gastrointestial. These symptoms can occur even though only 250 mg of caffeine taken. If more than 1g of caffeine consumed in one day, symptoms like muscle spasms (muscle twitching), and the word tumult, kardium arrhythmias (disturbances in heart throb) m and the fluctuation of psychomotor (psychomotor agitation) may occur. Caffeine intoxication can lead to panic and disease concerns.

Some of the benefits of caffeine are:
Relieve pain
The scientists argue that the efficacy of caffeine as an analgesic materialized
through three mechanisms: inhibiting adenosine work, activating point
noragrenergik (adrenaline), stimulates the central nervous system.
* Caffeine is proven to be effective in overcoming the pressure at the condition had a headache.
* As is well known by doctors for almost five hundred
years, caffeine is also capable of relieving pain caused by MIGRAINE. Migraine proven
vascular inflammation is not caused by interference with the system but

Eradicate CANCER
Caffeine can reduce the risk of some cancers. Evaluation
of Coffee and Caffeine for Mutagenic, Carciogenic, and Anticarcinogenic
Activity (2000), Richard H. Adamson Ph. D, summarizes the research results in four
epidemiology and concluded that the amount of caffeine intake is associated with
protective effect of breast cancer development. Two studies claimed
3-4 cups of coffee a day REDUCE BREAST CANCER incidents are

Caffeine consumption also reduces the prevalence of colon cancer. In 1998, Professor
wdward Giovanucci, Harvard University epidemiologist to analyze 17
results of research and concluded,?? Drinking several cups of coffee each
day reduce the incidence of colorectal cancer as much as 30 percent compared
do not drink coffee at all.

The rest, here’s Short Summary-Health Effects of Caffeine

1. Protect the body from damage due to stroke
2. Prevent gallstone formation
3. Controlling the problem on the skinĀ 
4.Ā Not in general increase the risk of osteoporosisĀ 
5. Helping to overcome airway disorders caused by asthma andĀ  smoking habitsĀ 
6. Helping an alcoholic in overcoming the negative impact of consumption alcoholĀ 
7. Help prevent the danger that arises because of low blood sugar levels in some diabeticsĀ 
8. Enhance male fertility; little or no effect female fertilityĀ 
9. Did not cause birth defects, but dangerous if consumed at the timeĀ  pregnant, and the exact amount can increase the chances of miscarriage
10. Glaucoma can worsen the condition if taken in doses of highly high

that was my little article about caffeine and health benefits even though not yet led to specific questions in my mind that, how caffeine can relieve pain in many diseases. And how do these drugs work. šŸ˜¦ Hopefully in the next I’m writing can be discussed and examined about it. šŸ˜€


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Makanmu Buanyak Tapi Koq Gak Gemuk Sih???

Hm…buat yg lama kenal aku mungkin akan takjub dgn aku yg sekarang,yg makannya BUANYAK dan sering šŸ˜‰

Dan buat yg skrg baru saja kenal aku,tepatnya ya temen2 CPNS BAPETEN 2009,bilangnya aku itu makannya BANYAK DAN timbul pertanyaan: Tapi Koq gak gemuk siiiiih??? Heehehe,maap dah..gak tau niih,tp berat badan ngaruh koq,naik 5 kg. ttp aja badannya IMOETĀ  šŸ™‚

Akhirnya,nanya deh sm saudara “seinternetan” dan begini katanya :

Jika ingin menggemukkan badan, memang salah satu cara yang benar adalah dengan menambah porsi makan dan rajin minum susu, walau begitu porsi makannya tetap harus dipantau. Sebaiknya tetap menghindari terlalu banyak makan makanan junk food dan terlalu tinggi lemak jenuh seperti goreng-gorengan, karena makanan-makanan ini malah akan menambah asupan kolesterol dalam darah yang bisa berakibat buruk bagi kesehatan. Gemuk namun sehat, bukankah itu yang kita inginkan?

Sebenarnya, kunci lain selain makan ā€œbesarā€ yaitu olahraga. Jangan takut malah semakin kurus dengan berolahraga, karena justru pada orang kurus, olahraga bisa meningkatkan nafsu makan. Hal ini karena bila kita rutin berolahraga, tubuh menjadi lebih aktif, dan semakin banyak energi yang dikeluarkan, semakin besar kebutuhan tubuh terhadap sumber energi, yaitu makanan. Itulah mengapa orang sering mengeluhkan meningkatnya nafsu makan setelah olahraga. Tapi buat orang-orang kurus, tentunya itu menjadi nilai tambah bukan? Oleh karena itu, selain menambah porsi asupan makanan, cobalah untuk rutin berolahraga. Pilihlah olahraga yang kamu gemari, entah itu renang, jogging, atau aerobic, bahkan kelas dansa pun bisa dijadikan olahraga. Lakukan secara rutin, misalnya seminggu tiga kali. Kamu juga bisa mendatangi fitness center dan meminta bantuan para trainer untuk mengetahui cara mengolah tubuh yang baik, supaya makanan yang masuk bisa terolah sempurna menjadi otot. Makan banyak tanpa olahraga hanya akan menambah asupan lemak, atau bahkan tidak ā€œbergunaā€ sama sekali karena makanan tidak diolah tubuh menjadi otot dan energi. Pada level tertentu lemak memang penting bagi tubuh, namun jika berlebihan lemak dapat menjadi sumber beberapa penyakit.

Saat ini ada suplemen susu untuk menambah berat badan, yang mengandung protein tinggi. Kenapa bukan lemak, melainkan protein? Karena gemuk yang baik adalah yang memiliki massa otot yang ideal, sehingga gemuknya tidak gembyor, melainkan kencang dan sehat. Dan protein adalah nutrisi yang dibutuhkan tubuh dalam membentuk otot. Jadi, konsumsi suplemen susu penambah berat badan, plus makan banyak, dan olahraga teratur, niscaya tubuh gemuk yang sehat bisa Anda miliki.

Ohhhh,begitu..tapi aku sudah melakukannya???Makanku BANYAK,SERING DAN RAJIN OLAHRAGA..

Tapiiiii,,dari itu semua,ga membuat aku berkecil hati atau apapunlah,krn Allah SWT tauuuu bgt yg terbaik buat aku. Keep Syukur Sobat!Alhamdulillah….apapun yg terjadi,keep syukur! Dan berusaha terus untuk mensyukuri nikmatNya dengan menjaga kesehatanĀ  dengan memahami dan memaknai quote berikut :

ā€œMakanlah dan minumlah kalian, tapi jangan berlebihanā€¦!ā€Ā  (QS Al Aā€™raf (7):31)


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